- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.CHARLOTCREPQUÉBEC69750 186 290.001 806 901.75
2.PHDROLETQUÉBEC60656 251 476.002 013 179.00
3.RAPTIKSASKATCHEWAN58237 399 855.001 356 496.00
4.JEROMEVQCOLOMBIE-B...36223 837 916.001 100 892.00
5.L'AGRI-DU-02ALBERTA34635 599 098.001 342 002.00
6.ULTRA_INFE...QUÉBEC29935 994 407.001 298 831.00
7.POMME45QUÉBEC20615 995 137.00580 201.00
8.MAXIMEDU123QUÉBEC20513 403 463.00486 135.00
9.CHRISTIANJALBERTA1907 029 624.00248 926.00
10.LOULOU40400COLOMBIE-B...18425 001 500.001 692 395.00
11.FILOU10COLOMBIE-B...16918 511 125.001 246 781.25
12.VENDÉE ACC...COLOMBIE-B...1676 784 250.001 048 475.00
13.LIOLIO1995ALBERTA1576 184 973.00214 037.25
14.UNDERCOCOSASKATCHEWAN1469 247 318.00345 385.00
15.AGRI SERVICEALBERTA794 135 150.00230 080.00
16.GAEC MAXIMEMANITOBA7111 991 300.00827 731.00
17.CALEDONIAALBERTA532 318 338.00143 510.00
18.BENIIOTMANITOBA496 063 685.00894 524.00
19.EARL DU PO...QUÉBEC31786 307.0026 844.50
20.AGRI CANADAQUÉBEC273 286 260.00230 038.20
21.EARL DU VI...ONTARIO245 812 800.00406 896.00
22.GEEZERALBERTA171 263 320.0060 830.00
23.BOBINOU68MANITOBA161 018 500.0046 500.00
24.ROGER76ALBERTA151 775 000.00124 250.00
25.JULEN03SASKATCHEWAN143 057 300.0082 700.00

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