- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.RAPTIKSASKATCHEWAN93279 662 905.003 397 046.00
2.CHARLOTCREPQUÉBEC72350 801 160.001 823 526.75
3.PHDROLETQUÉBEC56854 784 710.001 964 555.00
4.JEROMEVQCOLOMBIE-B...37825 304 386.001 242 742.00
5.L'AGRI-DU-02ALBERTA36537 312 767.001 404 351.00
6.UNDERCOCOSASKATCHEWAN34239 366 369.001 437 834.00
7.ULTRA_INFE...QUÉBEC34039 121 521.001 412 280.00
8.POMME45QUÉBEC23420 732 543.00752 051.00
9.CHRISTIANJALBERTA1917 141 050.00253 900.00
10.MAXIMEDU123QUÉBEC18813 971 848.00506 750.00
11.FILOU10COLOMBIE-B...17419 911 125.001 344 781.25
12.LOULOU40400COLOMBIE-B...16419 201 500.001 286 395.00
13.VENDÉE ACC...COLOMBIE-B...1455 650 700.00873 290.00
14.LIOLIO1995ALBERTA1425 430 735.00187 051.00
15.JULEN03SASKATCHEWAN855 543 670.00172 730.00
16.GAEC MAXIMEMANITOBA7412 863 400.00888 778.00
17.AGRI SERVICEALBERTA703 820 150.00208 030.00
18.BENIIOTMANITOBA556 503 535.00954 469.00
19.EARL DU PO...QUÉBEC26695 868.0023 633.00
20.AGRI CANADAQUÉBEC243 574 260.00250 198.20
21.EARL DU VI...ONTARIO225 142 800.00359 996.00
22.BOBINOU68MANITOBA221 368 500.0071 000.00
23.CALEDONIAALBERTA221 231 938.0070 990.00
24.GEEZERALBERTA171 263 320.0060 830.00
25.ROGER76ALBERTA151 775 000.00124 250.00

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