- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's province :

RankContractorProvinceDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.CHARLOTCREPQuébec13493 228 726.94 t.721
2.LOULOU40400Colombie-Britannique9621 777 897.21 t.0
3.GAEC MAXIMEManitoba234228 062.50 t.85
4.JPG07Ile-du-Prince-Edouard21377 647.09 t.50
5.PHDROLETQuébec206465 738.39 t.612
6.SCEA MEUSE AGRIAlberta2031 269 558.84 t.6
7.BOBINOU68Manitoba18564 927.17 t.10
8.AGRI SERVICEAlberta16935 806.92 t.143
9.SOLEDADNouvelle-Ecosse158116 502.51 t.0
10.VENDéE ACCESSOIRESColombie-Britannique155239 269.10 t.135
11.ULTRA_INFERNO96Québec149631 588.06 t.0
12.FOX RIPLEYNouvelle-Ecosse11784 553.33 t.0
13.GUIL15Québec11250 351.14 t.0
14.LIOLIO1995Alberta108177 049.09 t.178
15.AGRI CANADAQuébec10148 755.00 t.27
16.L'AGRI-DU-02Alberta96138 185.82 t.39
17.BENIIOTManitoba90139 825.35 t.64
18.MAXIMEDU123Québec8943 857.00 t.160
19.GOT'SQuébec7568 559.79 t.0
20.JOHNY714Québec74148 932.92 t.0
21.JULIENDU80Saskatchewan6956 310.00 t.0
22.FAILLOUBQuébec68119 235.28 t.0
23.BRILIEUQuébec43189 476.89 t.0
24.FILOU10Colombie-Britannique39167 082.12 t.0
25.FERME LAMONESTIQuébec3922 108.00 t.0

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